
E - Transcript$99.00



The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs are stepping up their game and focusing on pay disparities as a form of employment discrimination. This training program will offer attendees an understanding of Title VII, sex discrimination and pay equity to help employers get ahead of the EEOC/OFCCP’s new priority and avert pay discrimination claims.


  • Understanding Title VII, Sex Discrimination and Pay Equity
  • Gain some historical perspective on efforts to attain pay equity (Equal Pay Act, Lilly Ledbetter Act, and the Paycheck Fairness Act)
  • Gain an understanding of the pay gap (what it is and its impact)
  • Learn about EEOC and OFCCP and their position on and role in fighting pay discrimination and attaining pay equity
  • Understand new EEO-1 Reporting requirements and their Implications for Employers
  • What is pay equity and what is pay discrimination
  • Some history:
  • Lilly Ledbetter, Equal Pay Act
  • Paycheck Fairness Act
  • Lilly Ledbetter Act
  • Current Statistics
  • Pay Discrimination as a form of sex discrimination
  • Title VII
  • EEOC and OFCCP position
  • EEO-1
  • New EEO-1 requirements
  • Job steering
  • Brief overview of current requirements for federal contractors
  • What to expect after the new reporting requirements take effect
  • What employers should do now
  • Best practices

Why You Should Attend:

The pay gap and pay discrimination will be of increasing concern – if for no other reason than the EEOC and the OFCCP’s new focus on this issue. If your employment practices, including your hiring, promotion, and compensation policies and procedures do not reflect this then your efforts at ensuring a discrimination-free workplace are at best incomplete—and you will be vulnerable to discrimination claims and liability on yet another front.

This webinar will provide an introduction to these issues and the steps you need to take to get you headed in the right direction. It will discuss Title VII and offer a historical perspective on past efforts to attain pay equity with regulations such as the Equal Pay Act, Lilly Ledbetter Act, and the Paycheck Fairness Act.

The session will also include other key discussions such as the new EEO-1 reporting requirements, current requirements for federal contractors, and other best practices for employers.

Who Should Attend:

  • HR Directors
  • HR Managers
  • VPs
  • CFOs
  • Comptrollers
  • Compensation Specialists
  • Hiring Managers
  • CEOs
  • Compliance Officers

Note: You will get access to the Recording link and E-Transcript; in your account and at your registered email address.

Racquel Harris is The Chief Strategy Officer at R. L. Harris & Associates, LLC. Racquel has 25 years of Executive level experience in Human Resources and earned two certifications in Human Resources and certification in Risk Management. Racquel is a graduate of Indiana University where she received a BA in Organizational Communication.